Looking for a fresh idea for student goal setting?
These free goal setting sheets are just right for even our youngest goal-getters!
Goals are much more meaningful when students take the lead. These pages are designed to provide structure with both setting a goal AND taking action:
Goal Setting Pages – Student Activity Ideas
This is a great activity to use during Back to School or a return from a long break. It starts with a mini lesson talking about different types of goals.
Here's a wonderful read aloud book that kicks off the conversation:
Such an inspiring book about Michael Jordan! This picture book is written from his mother's perspective as she describes how young Michael persevered despite many common obstacles our students can relate to – not old enough, not tall enough, lacking confidence.
After the read aloud, continue talking about goal-setting by brainstorming a few goals we have. This is a completely optional idea and I've had mixed results depending on the group I'm working with. Some important goal-setting tips to consider:
- Pros – Students benefit from seeing how we go from abstract (a wish or goal in our mind) to concrete (capturing our goal in writing) and it also lends to a sense of community by hearing of each others' dreams.
- Cons – this is probably no surprise, but I find that when we do a community-building activity like this, we somehow all end up with the SAME goal, LOL.
Student Goal Setting – Ready, Set, Action!
After everyone is clear on what goal setting looks and feels like, it's time to take action!
This set includes 30 adorable “students” with two writing formats – students can construct their goals through writing with the help of a starter sentence prompt OR express their goals through drawing pictures.
Use these pages for an intentional Back to School activity and display on a bulletin board or tuck into student folders. These goal setting pages can also be used any time of year to increase student motivation and engagement.
About The Author
I'm Jennifer, your advocate for creative and inclusive education. With years of special education expertise and a heart for mentoring teachers, I'm your go-to for resources that matter. Learn more about my mission for Positively Learning here.