This is a FAST-paced training course for special educators excited (and a bit nervous) to be working with paraprofessionals this school year. It's time to stop tip-toeing around support staff and build the classroom community you want!
Exciting Update – Anyone who has purchased the Special Educators Resource Room bundle will receive this mini course for FREE. It's included in the bundle!
Woohoo – I can't wait to share this with you and see your results!
Is Positive Paraprofessional Partnerships right for ME?
Common Myth 1: There’s no time for training!
Truth: That’s definitely true for many, myself included!
- In Positive Paraprofessional Partnerships, I’m sharing what I did when I was faced with zero time (is there such a thing as negative time?!?). At my school, support staff were only “on the clock” when students were there. There are some creative ways to make sure effective training is still emphasized even when there’s a serious time crunch.
Common Myth 2: It won’t make any difference
- First of all, please know that I hear you. This sure doesn’t feel like a myth some days. Want to know why I’m on a mission to deliver this information on positive partnerships? I’ve been there! There’s been some pretty bleak days when I said those exact same words. If I could tell you that there was a magic wand that we could wave to fix this problem, I’d hand it right over to you! Of course there’s no magic wand, but there are solutions and they DO make a difference!
Common Myth 3 – I don’t feel confident/qualified/____ (fill-in-the-blank)____
- Oh, this is an EASY one! I’ve got you here – I can promise that you will quickly learn EXACTLY what to do (plus feel prepared to do it). And this won’t be cookie-cutter, one-size-fits-all training. There are options to fit a variety of needs – think of this as differentiated paraprofessional training (see what I did there?)
Common Myth 4 – I’ve already tried everything!
- I’m going to slowly side-step this myth. I’ve tried lots of things, too and they sure didn’t feel successful. Please trust that you will learn everything you need to have your classroom team running smoothly. Who am I to state such a promise? A colleague who has had the same ups and downs (actually it was several downs, then ups – way up!).
Will these ideas really work for ME?
I know the answer is YES, because I've been there. I've had ups and I've plenty of downs – and I learned from them. Now I'm sharing what worked with YOU.
But only you can decide for sure..
Positive Paraprofessional Partnerships – Take a Look Inside!
Will this training information work for MY school?
Below is a complete run through of everything you'll learn in this mini-course.
WARNING – I know it looks like a lot, but you can do it! This course can be completed in one weekend OR you can take it at your own pace throughout the school year.
MODULE ONE – We'll be starting with some mindset house cleaning! Clear the clutter with these quick start tools to have a clean slate that's primed for success.
MODULE TWO – Sometimes the best way to deal with problems is to prevent them. In module two, we'll put some strategies in place that work FOR us, so we can spend our time on what's important.
MODULE THREE – Let's put some communication systems in place to help EVERYONE shine in the classroom community.
MODULE FOUR – You're on a roll with a classroom that's already beginning to run smoother. Let's strike while we're hot and stack on these pick-and-choose mini lessons for more paraprofessional success!
MODULE FIVE – We ❤️ Paraprofessionals! Now that we can see progress and our students are benefitting from this well-oiled machine, here are some easy-to-implement ways to continue showing appreciation for our team.
MODULE SIX – Put a bow on It! Or is it icing on the cake? Either way, this module outlines actionable steps to put everything you've learned into action.
But wait, what exactly do I get in this mini-course?
You will receive immediate access to all six modules PLUS a downloadable course workbook and Paraprofessional Training Binder. You'll also receive an invitation to join a closed Facebook community – a supportive place to ask questions and receive feedback. We're here to cheer you on!
Here's just a small portion of what's waiting for you:
I can't wait for you to get started with building a positive classroom community!
Please let me know if you have any questions – just click the chat box in the bottom right corner.