Special Educators Resource Room

Special Educators, what if you didn't have to do it all on your own?

The Special Educators Bundle provides those go-to resources and activities you need throughout the school year because who has extra time to spare? ⏰

Your emergency Sunday night googling stops here.

You know what I'm talking about… the Monday morning bell is hours away and another meeting invite just dropped in your inbox. You need solutions, stat.

Every week brings a new challenge and another scramble to find some help. 

It’s no wonder so many special educators find themselves feeling overwhelmed, frustrated, and contemplating heading for the exit doors.

Does it really have to be this way? Not on my watch.

Hi, I'm Jennifer DeBrosse – instructional coach, special educator, and alternative to frantic, late-night internet searches.

I know what you’re going through because I was there—and I wrote, organized, and created my way out of it. 

Over time (and with plenty of trial and error), I made my own systems and solutions to overcome overwhelm, get my students positively learning, and focus on the joy of teaching.

Now I’ve pooled all my knowledge and skills into one organized space to help you do the same.

Professional Downloads at your fingertips… log in, find exactly what you need, log off.

This is just a peek at what's waiting for you… practical, useful tools and training to help you feel like a more effective and confident teacher.

You will also be invited to join our online community. Closed for confidentiality to ask the questions you need answers to.

From useful forms to done-for-you presentations — Special Educators Resource Room has the tools and support you need to feel calm, collected, and totally together as a special educator.

Ready to regain your confidence in the classroom, turn light bulbs on for your students, impress administrators…

And get those precious Sunday nights back for good.

Ready to see what's inside the Special Educators Resource Room?

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