Double Dice – I finally bought a set of “Dice in Dice!” for math centers!
My students have always enjoyed using dice…I've been able to sneak in some pretty tricky math concepts using a fun pair of dice!
Sadly, last year I had a student who became a tad obsessed with them. It started off fine, but by November we had to put the dice away.
Note to self: share this with his new 2nd grade teacher.
Do you think I need more?!?
I added dice to my math centers and even purchased an entire set of those mini containers to store two-dice-in-one.
Who says you can't learn anything useful from Pinterest?
Next I created a set of math recording pages to add to the centers – there are four different activities:
- Roll, Count, and Cover
- Roll, Record, and Add
- Roll, Record, and Subtract
- Roll, Record, and Subtract
Dice Math Centers – Checklist
Here's what you'll need to create your own set of dice math centers that will last ALL school year:
- Dice – double dice, two dice in a container, or just grab plain old dice from old games in the basement!
- Game Pages (free download) – I like to insert the pages into plastic dry erase sleeves so we can reuse them. HINT – print two different game mats and insert them two-sided. Student pairs can play one game and then flip it over to play another.
- Dry erase marker – students can work independently or in pairs to record their answers.
Download your own set of Dice in Dice math center pages from the Free Resource Library:
You can sign in and grab the math center here!
Check out my favorite math centers – prepare once and use ALL year with your small groups and centers:
These would be appropriate for K-2 math skills and focus on building independence with problem-solving.
Hope your students love them as much as mine do!