Double Dice – I finally bought a set of “Dice in Dice!” for math centers!

Double the dice, double the math fun! You can also double the learning with the free math dice recording pages. Add to your small groups and centers!

My students have always enjoyed using dice…I've been able to sneak in some pretty tricky math concepts using a fun pair of dice!

Sadly,  last year I had a student who became a tad obsessed with them. It started off fine, but by November we had to put the dice away.

Note to self: share this with his new 2nd grade teacher.

Double the dice, double the math fun! You can also double the learning with the free math dice recording pages. Add to your small groups and centers!

Do you think I need more?!?

I added dice to my math centers and even purchased an entire set of those mini containers to store two-dice-in-one.

Who says you can't learn anything useful from Pinterest?

Next I created a set of math recording pages to add to the centers – there are four different activities:

  • Roll, Count, and Cover
  • Roll, Record, and Add
  • Roll, Record, and Subtract
  • Roll, Record, and Subtract

Dice Math Centers – Checklist

Here's what you'll need to create your own set of dice math centers that will last ALL school year:

  • Dice – double dice, two dice in a container, or just grab plain old dice from old games in the basement!
  • Game Pages (free download) – I like to insert the pages into plastic dry erase sleeves so we can reuse them. HINT – print two different game mats and insert them two-sided. Student pairs can play one game and then flip it over to play another.
  • Dry erase marker – students can work independently or in pairs to record their answers.

Download your own set of Dice in Dice math center pages from the Free Resource Library:

You can sign in and grab the math center here!

Check out my favorite math centers – prepare once and use ALL year with your small groups and centers:

These would be appropriate for K-2 math skills and focus on building independence with problem-solving.

Hope your students love them as much as mine do!

Hi there.

I'm Jennifer!

I’m Jennifer and I was a special educator in the elementary school setting over the past decade. I entered the classroom every day dedicated to making learning inclusive AND engaging.

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