Phonics Posters

Phonics visuals with text and picture support! There are 37 sound-spelling posters that feature student-friendly (tongue in cheek funny) visuals!


Phonics Posters


Phonics Posters with picture and text visual support.

Our first grade uses the phonics sound-spellings resources that accompany the CKLA Skills curriculum.
I created the following visual anchors to help support my students in my reading intervention groups using CKLA. Use these posters as reference on a sound wall!
Each phonics sound-spelling (“phonics chunk”) picture serves as an “anchor” to reinforce the sound. The images are meant to be “tongue in cheek” to increase engagement (and retention!).
My students have a great sense of humor and LOVE these! I catch them adding a gesture and repeating the phonics phrase when reviewing these sounds.
Each sound is presented in the order used in the CKLA curriculum, however they can be used in any sequence depending on your students' needs. I often pre-teach these sounds so my students are ready to access the general education.
A listing of each of the 37 phonics chunks is included, as well as the scope and sequence aligned with CKLA Skills. This list is also included in the preview for reference.
These cards can be displayed digitally with any screen device that opens a pdf file. I have used these on the large screen and an iPad for quick review. I also printed two sets – a full page set to display as each sound is introduced, and a smaller set (use the multiple printing setting) to store on a book ring. These cards would also provide a visual support for independent literacy centers.

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