
Here are ideas for incorporating positive behavior charts, plus a free download to try it out in your classroom.

As our students are growing more “comfortable” with their new classrooms and teachers, there are plenty of opportunities to learn all about what makes each and every student special and unique.

I have a student who has a “big” personality and also just happens to LOVE superheroes. He responds to positive reinforcement, so we have been using this personalized superhero behavior chart:

Behavior Charts and Contracts

When I create a visual behavior tracker, I strive to state expectations using positive, student-friendly language. My intention is to have my students eventually gain skills in monitoring their own behavior by focusing on what they should be doing and taking responsibility for their actions.

What would a superhero do?

For the above superhero behavior chart example, the expectations are stated in the same language used throughout the school and classrooms:  

  • Use materials appropriately (i.e.: keeping all 4 legs of the chair on the floor, not grabbing materials out of others' hands, and keeping things out of our mouth)
  • Staying in assigned area (i.e.: do not leave carpet area, table, or classroom without permission; staying in line when moving as a class throughout the school)
  • Participating (i.e.: not rolling away during whole group instruction; listening and raising a quiet hand)

Positive Behavior Charts – Consistency

Maybe this has happened to you…you've incorporated a behavior chart and although there's a few hiccups along the way, there's definitely progress being made. So much progress, in fact, that the behavior chart starts to fade away and maybe even left behind on occasion.   Fading out behavioral supports is a GOOD thing and a goal of many behavior interventions, however sometimes we lose the consistency a little early.   The original behavior feels less urgent to tackle now and let's face it, it hard to sustain a system every single day.

Students' Role – Interactive Charts

Here's set of positive behavior charts that put the STUDENT in the driver's seat and they LOVE the increased trust and responsibility.   These interactive pages were my solution to keeping up with the consistency. It's an easy system to implement and sustain…simply print and hand over to your student.

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Hi there.

I'm Jennifer!

I’m Jennifer and I was a special educator in the elementary school setting over the past decade. I entered the classroom every day dedicated to making learning inclusive AND engaging.

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