
How to do you promote kindness in the classroom?

Positively Learning Blog Using Random Acts of Kindness in the classroom

I can imagine a non-teacher may not even think about “teaching” kindness to our children. Isn't it something that is modeled or assumed?

I know I had similar assumptions before entering the classroom, but whether are students arrive with strong models and positive experiences, I still see a huge benefit of offering explicit teaching in this area with MANY opportunities for practice.

February is Random Acts of Kindness month

Why wait? Isn't the time ALWAYS right to add RAK into our daily interactions?

I created this free set of notes featuring 24 ideas for spreading kindness with our young students…

Here's how I introduce RAK in the classroom!

I love to use a read aloud to spark conversation – my students have the NEATEST insights and using a story helps build connections.

There are so many great character education books available, but my favorites that I reach for over and over again are:

Be Kind by Pat Zietlow

Each Kindness by Jacqueline Woodson

Next, we brainstorm different ways we can demonstrate goodwill. Can we let someone in line ahead of us (the most popular 1st grade answer!)? Make sure we are saying thank you to show gratitude?

After we have created a list together, it's time to take action!

I like to use the 24 pre-printed notes with my students, but I have also tried having my students write their own RAK notes!

Grab your free set of notes, plus free template HERE!

Quick Warning – Before setting your students loose in the school spreading kindness with these colorful notes, I highly recommend letting your colleagues know about this project, lol!

Please leave a comment and let me know how it goes!

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I'm Jennifer!

I’m Jennifer and I was a special educator in the elementary school setting over the past decade. I entered the classroom every day dedicated to making learning inclusive AND engaging.

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