November Book Companions

November Visual Book Companions – Support ALL learners in your classroom with these comprehension response boards featuring favorite books!


November Book Companions


November Visual Book Companions – Support ALL learners in your classroom with these comprehension response boards.

Students can respond through picture and text support while asking and answering questions based on the following read aloud books:

  • A Turkey for Thanksgiving by Eve Bunting
  • Turkey Trouble by Wendi Silvano
  • ‘Twas the Night Before Thanksgiving by Dav Pilkey
  • There was an Old Lady who Swallowed a Turkey by L. Colandro

Comprehension support included for each read aloud:

  • Teacher Questions – 20+ questions based on the text, mentor sentence, and story vocabulary all on one page with room for data notes
  • Comprehension Picture Board – story vocabulary with both picture/text
  • Mentor Sentence Writing Board – writing response page with mentor sentence and word bank (story vocabulary)
  • Picture Word Bank Writing Board – writing response page using vocabulary (picture/text) from book
  • Comprehension Visual Response Board – an “all in one” response board featuring WH questions, sequencing, main idea and key details, summarizing, and story elements (story grammar).

How I use these Comprehension Boards:

I recommend using these visual response boards in your small reading groups. I will insert two pages (back to back) into one dry erase sleeve. Students can respond by pointing, circling their answer with a dry erase marker, or even “covering up” their response using mini-erasers or other manipulatives. The writing pages could also be used for independent work or in centers.

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