Have you been wanting to try out a Makerspace activity in your classroom or resource room?
This is a complete set that can be used throughout year! The summer-themed task cards will ignite your students' creativity and curiosity while providing a hands-on experience to develop critical thinking skills.
This makerspace kit is unique because of all the organization of both the tasks and materials!
Do you have a Teacher Toolbox?
This learning center uses the same toolbox organizer, but this time it's for your students!
My students love my toolbox so much. They are always trying to be helpful and volunteering to put things away for me. I decided to take combine their enthusiasm and our goals for learning to develop a truly hands-on center .
Imagine having all the task cards and materials in ONE organized space.
Who is this for?
Currently the bundle includes the Toolbox Learning Centers designed for K-2 students, but it could easily be used with a wider range of ages.
I'm a special educator and these activities are appropriate for anytime we have centers in both the inclusion classroom and resource room.
This is also for the educator who wants to provide hands-on learning skills (fine motor) in an organized center.
What's Included?
This is a Makerspace for Summer set of task cards and labels to be used to create your toolbox learning center. The suggested hands-on materials are items that are typically found in the classroom (pattern blocks, snap cubes, dry erase markers), but there's also enough flexibility to substitute materials.
Please note: the manipulatives are not included in this digital download.
What kind of Toolbox do I need?
The labels and task cards are designed for the Stack On 22 drawer toolbox.
What if I don't have a Toolbox?
These task cards can easily be stored with the hands-on materials using plastic bags or containers.
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