NON-Teaching Back to School Tips Before Returning from Break

Back to school tips so soon?

Today is my last day of break! As much as I'd love to lounge around and relax, I will most likely stay pretty busy getting all my ducks in a row to return to school tomorrow.

Besides the back-to-school shopping hauls I participated in, I also want to make sure my daily routines are ready to go (well, as ready as I can be!).

After every break, I follow these Back to School Tips…

This is not your typical Back to School To-Dos.

I created this NON-teaching list to help the return to the school routine run smoothly.

I can explain…

Here's a brief rundown of what those tips mean and why I always take care to complete them before returning back to school:

  1. Morning Routine – I have to leave the house at 6:15 am to go to school (!!). There's no time to waste, so a routine must be followed. Try out your routine a few days before to make sure it works for you.
  2. Clean and Organize Your Clothes – you probably want to grab and go in the morning, so keep those “teacher” clothes in one spot of your closet to save time.
  3. Dry Cleaning – this may not apply, but just in case. Yes, it's technically still summer but you know you'll blink and it will be the end of October! Think ahead to get your winter coat cleaned, buttons sewed back on, and all of those things we don't like to think about during the summer.
  4. Appointments -ugh, I see my doctor, optician, and dentist more than anyone else during the month of July. BUT it's nice to leave with follow-up appointments already book ahead. Just do it!
  5. Car Maintenance -there's definitely no time for an oil change during Back to School! My car gets it's check up and annual car wash right before we head back to school.
  6. Lunches – Time to dig out the cute lunch bags and maybe even meal prep for the first week?
  7. Comfort Items – we all know teacher-tired is a real thing, so restock those self-care comfort items. You'll be so happy you did in about one week!
  8. Chargers – do you need a new charger to take to school? I like purchasing BRIGHT cords just in case it gets borrowed. Who wants a lime green phone charger?!?
  9. Calendar – add any upcoming events NOW if you'd like to keep your social life during the school year. You'll need your friends and don't want to accidently miss spending time with them due to double-booking.
  10. Positive Quotes – this may or may not be for you, but if there's something out there that really helps you reset and recenter, I recommend grabbing a copy of it (or 2 or 3) to put as reminders…I keep them inside a school cabinet and my car!

By the way, these tips are not just for the end of the summer and busy Back to School season. This would be very helpful to follow (maybe an abbreviated version of these tips) before returning after any extended break.

Do you already have these tips on your Back to School list?

Are there any more “must do” tasks to add?

I'm definitely not trying to rush things, but… if you need some more support once you unlock your classroom door, be sure to check out these freebies:

What are you most excited about for Back to School?

Hi there.

I'm Jennifer!

I’m Jennifer and I was a special educator in the elementary school setting over the past decade. I entered the classroom every day dedicated to making learning inclusive AND engaging.

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