How do you practice differentiated math skills all at the SAME time? It's an important question because it's a reality in our math classrooms! You may have as many different levels as students.

Luckily, there are easy ideas and solutions to help every student get exactly what they need:

Using digital centers has made it much easier to provide multiple levels at the same time!

Differentiated Math Solutions by Skill

This is often for the first thing we think of with math differentiation. Some students may need more time with one skill (i.e.: subitizing with numbers within 10) and less with another (i.e.: addition by counting on).

Please Note: there are many other ways to differentiate learning. For this blogpost, we're focusing on students working at different pace and how that impacts what math skills they're practicing.

Digital Math Centers set up for independent use is a great solution when you have many students at varying levels. If you use Boom Learning in your resource classroom, you can log in and analyze the data – how are students doing with the digital task cards? Do they need more practice or are they independently scoring above 90% (ready to move on!)?

Here's a solution to set up a digital math center rotation for your students:

This is a simple calendar with a different digital Boom Learning center assigned for each day.

Centers planned out for the month? DONE ✅

Now, if that center rotation picture above is making your math head spin, NO WORRIES.

I've got you covered, too!

Here's a set of MIXED math skill practice – one set for every month. This “plug and play” solution will provide spiral review on those skills that are mastered, as well as extra progress monitoring on the skills that need practice.

Click below for a closer look!

All of these sets are also available individually to mix and match!

Hi there.

I'm Jennifer!

I’m Jennifer and I was a special educator in the elementary school setting over the past decade. I entered the classroom every day dedicated to making learning inclusive AND engaging.

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